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In order to prevent any problems with modernization on market of heating solution, it is necessary to have access to entire technological spectrum that is available in this sector. What is best in every individual case depends on individual circumstances: necessary heating effect, available energy source and finally, individual demands of system operator. Everyone needs to evaluate all these circumstances (heating needs, possible Heating repairs EN2, etc). Keep on reading to learn more about oil condensation technique for heating. This is highly effective heating solution that doesn’t need often Heating repairs EN2.
This is good solution for your home if you have oil container or appropriate room; if you have already used oil heating; if you want heating device with good ratio between price and quality; if you are aware that oil condensation technique is safe future with the usage of bio oils.
Users rarely know that they spend too much money loosing energy in ineffective heating that as unused energy flies away through chimney. Besides, old installations put additional burden on environment with unnecessary CO2 emission and contribute to global heating.

If you choose to replace old installations with highly effective condensation boiler in combination with solar energy, you can save up to 35% energy. Free solar energy is still not used enough as a support to heating and preparation of hot water. When it comes to heating modernization or heating boiler restoration, it is necessary to consider combinations with solar installations.

In condensation technology isn’t used just heat from gas combustion, but also heat that in conventional heating techniques goes unused through chimney. Condensation boilers almost completely put in use heat contained in smoke gases and add it as additional useful heat for heating. This is why condensation boilers equipped with Inox-Radial heating exchanger made from stainless steel include water fumes that condensates in order to additionally enable sending of all released heat to heating system.

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