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The Water Hammer:
The water hammer (or fluid hammer) will occur in water pipework when the water flowing inside meets a valve that has just suddenly shut which causes a pressure wave at the end of the pipe system. This effect can also cause the pipework to collapse and is also called hydraulic shock. When the wave comes to a stop, a loud thud can be heard throughout the whole house. Hence the term water hammer. Enfield Plumbers are skilled professionals that can diagnose plumbing issues.

The Air Chamber:
An air chamber is a vertical pipe, fitted in the cavity of a wall near to a valve. These chambers can provide a cushioned effect that can help to stop the water from hitting the pipework making the hammer effect. In order to maintain the effect on the water you will need to make sure that the refill the chambers with more air. There is no provision for inspection of these air chambers. Therefore below is a guide to actions should you hear a noise loud or faint in your pipework:
Close your home’s main water valve and then open up the highest tap in your homes plumbing system.

Find the lowest tap in the home, then, turn on the tap in order to drain all water from the pipework. Air will flow in when water flows away. When the water has been drained, shut the lowest tap.

Loose Mounting Straps:
The hammer action can also happen if the straps that secure the pipework become loose. A loose strap will allow the pipework to vibrate against the supporting structures and framework as the water is switched on and off. These straps should be tight.

Adjustment of High Water Pressure:
Pipework also begins to create noise if the water pressure in them is very high. This pressure can be adjusted by fitting a regulator. The majority of modern homes have a regulator fitted in the pipework at the point where the mains water supply enters the home. If you don’t have this item fitted you can call professionals like EN2 Plumbers.

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